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Water Primary School

Water Primary School


Young Leaders

What we have done so far...

At the beginning of each year, our Year 6 children have the opportunity to run for young leaders in our school. The whole school vote for who they feel would be their voice.


Our young leaders comprise:

  • Head Boy and Girl
  • Deputy Head Boy and Girl
  • Forest School Ambassador
  • Mental Health Team
  • Sports Leaders

We have an active school leadership team who listen to the thoughts and ideas of our children and feed them back to school leaders. This helps us to see things from the child's point of view, giving children a voice and enabling us to make their experience of school even better! Our young leaders have helped in organising many fund-raising events such as Macmillan Coffee Mornings and Red Nose Day. They have also taken an active part in improving break and lunchtimes for all children, introducing new activities which all children can take part in.

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Water Primary School

Burnley Road East, Rossendale

Lancashire, BB4 9PX

Contact: Alison Graham, Office Manager
01706 216414