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Water Primary School

Water Primary School


Sequoia Class - Year 6


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Class Teacher: Miss Launder

Teaching Assistant: Miss Knights

Hello everyone and welcome to Sequoia Class.  Miss Launder is the class teacher, supported by Miss Knights.

We hope you have had a fantastic half-term break.  We have lots of exciting things planned for your children and we cannot wait to tell you all about it!  They will embark on new challenges, be given fantastic opportunities and have the most fun whilst doing so.  We will ensure that the last year of their primary education, will be one to remember! 

Please also keep an eye on our weekly newsletter for diary dates.


In English, the children will begin by focusing on a science fiction film unit called 'Pandora'.  The children will write a non-chronological report about a planet called Pandora and one of the creatures who live there.  We will then move onto a Horror unit based on a book called 'Thornhill' by Pam Smy; the children will rewrite their own version of a horror story.  Lastly, our poetry unit will have a Christmas theme.  


In Maths, we will continue the term with a focus on the four operations.  Firstly, we will look at multiplication and division before moving onto fractions and measurement.  

Multiplication is a pivotal part of Maths and underpins so many aspects of the curriculum throughout our school.  All children should be confident in their timetables by the end of Year 4 although of course, it is understandable this may not be the case for all children. Therefore, we would ask that children continually practise timetables regularly to increase their confidence.  This will help them significantly as they progress through Year 6. 

Geography - Investigation India

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In our Geography unit, we will be investigating India.  The children will have the opportunity to investigate India’s climate and physical geography.  We will explore the major mountains and rivers that dictate India's population and climate patterns, locate major cities in India and investigate the human and physical features found there. The children will also compare and contrast India to the United Kingdom.


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Our science lessons will focus on Animals including Humans; we will explore the structure of the heart and lungs and learn about the double circulation of blood through the lungs and the rest of the body.  We will also investigate how exercise affects pulse rate and find out why is exercise good for humans. 

Guided Reading

At Water School, we have a love of books and a passion for reading.  In our whole class reading sessions this term, we will continue studying the fantastic novel, 'Holes', by Louis Sachar.  I know that the children will very much enjoy studying this novel with its comedic mystery that will have them on the edge of their seats.


This term, our PE day will take place each Monday and Friday afternoon.  Please can all children attend school in full PE on these days.

Forest School

There will be no forest school this half-term for our Year 6 children.


We understand the importance of reading and expect children to read for at least 10/15 minutes each night.  It is extremely important that we focus on the skill of sustained reading, rather than just reading a few pages.  This will help children in all areas of their learning and make them much more independent as they progress through Year 6.   


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If you would like to buy a healthy snack for your child to have at break time, it is £1 per week.  This can be paid via Parent Pay each half-term.  A reminder will be sent out via text.  Alternatively, children are more than welcome to bring their own healthy snack to school. 

A note from Miss Launder

I am so excited to be part of your child's journey in their final year of their primary education.  I am confident that with hard work, determination and self-belief, your child will continue to flourish and make exceptional progress.  

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office.

Thank you so much for your continued support.  I very much look forward to working with you and seeing you all in the new term.

Many thanks 

Miss Launder 

Water Primary School

Burnley Road East, Rossendale

Lancashire, BB4 9PX

01706 216414