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Water Primary School

Water Primary School


Sequoia Class - Year 6

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Class Teacher: Miss Launder

Teaching Assistant: Miss Knights

Hello everyone and welcome to Sequoia Class.  Miss Launder is the class teacher, supported by Miss Knights.

We hope you have had a fantastic half-term break.  We have lots of exciting things planned for your children for the very last term of their primary education!  They will embark on new challenges, be given fantastic opportunities and have the most fun whilst doing so.  It is a very busy half-term, so please keep an eye on our weekly newsletter for diary dates.


In English, the children will continue to focus on the mysterious book, 'The London Eye Mystery'.  They will be using their detective skills to solve a crime as well as having lots of writing opportunities along the way.  Our non-fiction unit is based on transition; it will focus on dreams and setting goals, presentations on climate change and engagement in politics, debating and writing to our local MP.


In Maths, we will be focusing on statistics and geometry; properties of shape and position and direction.

Multiplication is a pivotal part of Maths and underpins so many aspects of the curriculum throughout our school.  All children should be confident in their times tables by the end of Year 4 although of course, it is understandable this may not be the case for all children. Therefore, we would ask that children continually practise times tables regularly to increase their confidence.

Geography - Extreme Earth

Extreme Weather on Earth and Other Planets | National Geographic Society

In our Geography topic this term, we will be studying the wilder side of the world.  In a series of lessons, across a range of subjects, we will explore the Earth's greatest natural disasters and extreme weather phenomena; from raging tropical storms and violent erupting volcanoes to terrifying towering tsunamis.


Let’s learn about light

We will be studying light in Science.  It seems that a crime has been committed and the UK Crime Lab needs a team to analyse its evidence against six suspects.  The children will need a team with mathematical prowess and a scientific line of attack. Could the children be the team to tackle the mystery of the West Hollow High School laptop thief?

Guided Reading

Nowhere Emporium: The Nowhere Emporium (Paperback) - ...

At Water School, we have a love of books and a passion for reading.  In our whole class reading sessions this term, we will be studying the fantastic novel, 'The Nowhere Emporium' by Ross Mackenzie.  This story is based on a world of magic and enchantment, which we know the children will very much enjoy. 


This term, our PE day will continue to take place each Monday afternoon.  Please can children come to school in their PE kit as usual.  


We will also continue with swimming this term.  This will take place each Thursday afternoon.


In Sequoia Class, we understand the importance of reading and expect children to read for at least 10/15 minutes each night.  It is extremely important that we focus on the skill of sustained reading, rather than just reading a few pages a night.  This will help children in all areas of their learning and make them much more independent.   


If you would like to buy a healthy snack for your child to have at breaktime, it is £1 per week.  This can be paid via Parent Pay each half-term.  A reminder will be sent out via text.  Alternatively, children are more than welcome to bring their own healthy snack to school. 

A note from Miss Launder

I am so excited to be part of your child's journey as they progress through 

Year 6. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office.

Thank you so much for your continued support.  I very much look forward to working with you and seeing you all in the new term.

Many thanks 

Miss Launder 


Water Primary School

Burnley Road East, Rossendale

Lancashire, BB4 9PX

01706 216414