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Water Primary School

Water Primary School


Hazel Class - Year 1 & 2

Welcome to Hazel Class

Class Teacher: Miss Ashworth

Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Collins

We also have Mrs Sanderson, Mr Riley, Miss Knights and Miss Sykes working in our class this half-term.

Hello, everyone! We hope that you all had a lovely break, and we are all looking forward to the final half-term in Hazel Class.


We will start the new English term with a fiction unit. The children will write a story inspired by Chris Wormell's 'George and the Dragon'. We will then continue to use the book to explore dragons and features of castles ready for our visit to Clitheroe Castle.

Guided Reading

Hazel Class follows a whole-class approach for guided reading. We will continue to read Flat Stanley By Jeff Brown.

The children will develop skills by answering questions following our VIPER skills which are:

VIPERS stands for 






Sequence or Summarise 


In Maths, we will continue to use Power Maths and the children will be taught in year groups.

Year 1 will continue to look at fractions before moving onto position and direction.

Year 2 will begin with the half-term by looking at time as well as consolidating previous units learnt throughout the year in preparation for their SATs.

Multiplication is a pivotal part of Maths education and underpins so many aspects of the curriculum through school. It would be so beneficial if at home, children could be practising times tables. The primary focus should be on 2s, 5s and 10s for Year 1 and 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s for Year 2. TT Rockstars is a great way for children to practice their times tables.


In Science, our topic this term is Everyday Materials. 

Year 2 will explore the useful properties of materials with a range of investigations involving absorbency and flexibility.

Year 1 will explore different materials and sort them into groups before writing songs based on their properties! They will then consider what it would be like if the tables were made of jelly or the chairs were chocolate! 


This half-term, the children will be learning all about Australia. The children will discover how Australia's states and territories piece together to make-up the vast continent and will be able to visualise and describe the many varied landscapes. We will use maps and symbols to improve their mapping skills and find out where Australia's animals live and what they eat. They will go on to explore the culture and lifestyle of some typical Australian children and make comparisons between Australia and the United Kingdom. 


Get caught up in a book...

In Hazel Class, we understand the importance of reading and expect children to read for at least 10/15 minutes each night. It is important that we instil the skill of sustained reading into our children rather than just reading a few pages a night. This will encourage a love for reading as well as helping with fluency and expression. Record books will now be checked daily by Mrs Collins, and we will also encourage a love of reading through choosing books from our reading corner. 


Our P.E. lessons this half-term will be on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Please could you ensure that children come to school wearing the correct P.E. kits on the day of their session. 


This year we will be taking a different approach to spelling in school and the children will not be completing a spelling quiz in class. Weekly spellings will still be on spellings shed, and I will send out a hard copy of the spellings however we will assess the children through spelling games and activities every Friday based on the spellings for that week instead of a formal quiz. 

Forest School

This half-term we will have our family forest school session on Friday 12th July! Please send your child to school with their forest clothes on this day.


If you would like your child to have a snack, please pay for this on parent pay at the beginning of the term. Snack will be £1 per week.


Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th June- Phonics Screening Check to take place.

Monday 24th June- Thursday 28th June- Year 2 SATs.

Monday 1st July- Year 1 and 2 trip to Clitheroe Castle.

If you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open.

Don't forget to check our school twitter @Waterprimary for updates.

Thank you for the support.

Miss Ashworth





Water Primary School

Burnley Road East, Rossendale

Lancashire, BB4 9PX

01706 216414