School Improvement Plan
OBJECTIVES FOR 2024-2025 |
Objective 1 Quality of Education |
Teachers and leaders use assessment well. This is timely and used effectively. Teachers have a good understanding of formative assessment and can use a variety of methods during their teaching.
Objective 2 Quality of Education |
To raise the profile of oracy throughout the curriculum and to further improve the outcomes of writing, including children who require further challenge.
Objective 3 Personal Development |
To provide active learning opportunities within learning and to launch and develop OPAL.
Objective 4 Behaviour and Attitudes |
Restorative practice is used to enhance our behaviour policy and all staff use this consistently.
Objective 5 Leadership and Management |
Further develop the role of subject leaders.
Objective 6 Effective EYFS |
To narrow the attainment gap in Early Years, ensuring that our children achieve in line with their counterparts nationally. |