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Water Primary School

Water Primary School

Our School

School Improvement Plan


Objective 1

Quality of Education

Teachers and leaders use assessment well. This is timely and used effectively. Teachers have a good understanding of formative assessment and can use a variety of methods during their teaching.


Objective 2

Quality of Education

To raise the profile of oracy throughout the curriculum and to further improve the outcomes of writing, including children who require further challenge.


Objective 3

Personal Development

To provide active learning opportunities within learning and to launch and develop OPAL.


Objective 4

Behaviour and Attitudes

Restorative practice is used to enhance our behaviour policy and all staff use this consistently.


Objective 5 

Leadership and Management

Further develop the role of subject leaders.


Objective 6

Effective EYFS

To narrow the attainment gap in Early Years, ensuring that our children achieve in line with their counterparts nationally.

Water Primary School

Burnley Road East, Rossendale

Lancashire, BB4 9PX

Contact: Alison Graham, Office Manager
01706 216414