Blossom Class - Year 4 & 5
Welcome to Blossom Class
Class Teacher: Miss Lomas
Class Teaching Assistant: Mr Riley
Welcome back, everyone! I hope you've had a lovely October break and are ready for the exciting half-term we have coming up!
PE Days: Tuesday and Thursday.
Forest School - Friday PM
In English, we will be diving into the wonderful world of poetry using the book 'Things You'll Find in a Poet's Beard' by A.F. Harold. This collection of poems is quirky, imaginative and a great way for us to explore the diverse features of poetry together.
Throughout our lessons, the children will be examining various elements of poetry such as rhythm, rhyme, and imagery. We will also be acting some of the poems out and eventually crafting our own poems, inspired by what we have learnt.
We will be continuing using Power Maths this year in our lessons.
Year 4's will be looking at addition and subtraction with 4-digit numbers including exchanges. Year 5 will begin with addition and subtraction with whole numbers that have more than 4-digits. They will need to apply what they have learnt to answer problem-solving questions.
Timetables are also a very important part of maths and we will continue to develop our understanding of this by using TT Rockstars daily. It would also help the children considerably if they practise at home.
Please note that Year 4 will carry out a timetables check in July 2025.
Our geography topic this half-term is 'Investigating India'! We will be looking at India’s climate and physical geography with detailed maps and resources. We will also explore the major mountains and rivers that dictate India's population and climate patterns, locate major cities in India and investigate the human and physical features found there.
Our new topic in our science is "Animals, including Humans." We will be exploring the fascinating changes that humans experience as they develop from infancy through to old age.
Throughout this topic, we will delve into the various stages of human growth and development. One of the activities planned is the creation of a scientific diagram illustrating the key stages of foetal development, accompanied by a growth graph. This will help the children visualise the journey of growth that every human undergoes from conception to adulthood.
We expect children to be reading at home most nights for around 10/15 minutes. We want to encourage a love of reading as much as possible so that children can understand the key aspects of reading.
Our P.E. lessons this half-term will be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure children come in full P.E kit, which is clearly labelled with their name.
Forest School - Friday PM
The children will receive their spellings every Friday.
We will have a spelling lesson every Monday to consolidate their weekly spellings.
If you would like to buy a healthy snack it is £1 per week, this can be payable as £7 for the half-term through ParentPay.
If you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open.
Don't forget to check our school Twitter @Waterprimary for updates.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Lomas