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Water Primary School

Water Primary School

The 'Water' Curriculum

The 'Water' Curriculum

At Water Primary School we are always reflecting on, reviewing and developing our curriculum to ensure that it best meets the needs of our children. Our curriculum provides pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be responsible citizens.

At Water Primary our curriculum is:

  • Exciting, inspiring, engaging and stimulating
  • Creative and innovative
  • Challenging and motivating
  • Broad, balanced and relevant to our children and today’s society
  • Flexible to allow children to follow their own lines of enquiry
  • Enriched and enhanced
  • Supported by parents/carers and the community

The curriculum will:

  • Provide children with knowledge and skills to become confident individuals, independent learners and responsible citizens
  • Prepare children for the opportunities and responsibilities and experiences of later life
  • Engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement  
  • Provide real life experiences and contexts
  • Celebrate the school’s multi-cultural diversity
  • Allow and encourage personalised learning
  • Nurture the whole child
  • Provide spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

Our children are:

  • Resilient and will take risks with their learning
  • Able to transfer and apply their skills, knowledge and artistic exploration both in and beyond the classroom
  • Able to reflect, evaluate and improve their learning
  • Lifelong learners who are equipped for the next stage of their educational journey.
  • Able to appreciate their own worth and that of others
  • Respectful of others feelings and values
  • Are confident, Imaginative and creative

Our Staff will:

  • Encourage participation, creativity, reflection and independence
  • Assess carefully and provide regular constructive feedback
  • Value all pupils work and/or effort
  • Develop team work, leadership skills and self-reliance




Water Primary School

Burnley Road East, Rossendale

Lancashire, BB4 9PX

Contact: Alison Graham, Office Manager
01706 216414