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Water Primary School

Water Primary School

Acorn - EYFS and Year 1

Welcome to Acorn Class

At Water Primary School, Acorn Class is home to Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Year 1 children.
Your child's class teacher is Mrs Smith and their teaching assistants are Mrs Greenwood, Miss Ross and Mrs Sanderson.

Focused Learning


We will begin the term by exploring texts focusing on feelings, settling in and being unique.

All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold, Suzanne Kaufman | Waterstones Super Duper You BOOK 'EM: Only One You by Linda Kranz  


These stories will help to open up discussions about ourselves and how we are all special and all unique.

The reception children will focus on their fine motor skills in order to help with their handwriting. They will write their name, focusing on how each letter is correctly formed and they will begin to mark-make with meaning (this will look different for each child - some will use pictures, some may use symbols and others may use recognisable letters.

They year one children will develop their sentence writing skills; initially focusing on usign their phonic knowledge and finger spaces between words and moving onto using capital letters and full stops.

Our children take part in daily phonic lessons; your child will be sent home with a reading book and these will be changed throughout the week. We always encourage parents to read with children each night. It is really important that you read the book more than once. For example:

1. Let your children try to read independently.

2. Encourage your children to use their phonics skills to segment and blend words together.

3. Model reading for your child.

4. Ask questions about what has been read e.g. Who is the main character? Can you tell me what happened at the end?

5. Please sign the reading record book, so we know the book has been read.

We will endeavour to read with all the children throughout the week too. 



In maths, our Reception children will begin to learn lots of new mathematical skills. They will begin by focussing on subitising (knowing how many in a set without counting), they will count objects accurately, they will put numbers in order, begin to understand that a 'whole' number is made up of 'parts' (2+1=3 tec) and they will compare groups using the words 'more than' and 'fewer than'.

Year 1 children will work with numbers up to 10. They will sort objects, count objects, count on and count back. They will find out one more and one less. They will compare objects using < > and = and order objects and numbers on a number line.

You can help your children at home by playing number games, counting and even learning to count in twos, fives and tens.


We will teach your child handwriting through discrete lessons. They will learn a rhyme for each letter which will help them to remember how to form each letter correctly; starting and ending in the correct place. A poster will be sent home so that you can support them at home.


Reception children will begin learning letters and sounds. They will start by hearing and saying the individual sounds in words and will then learn what each of the letters looks like. Phase 2 phonics will be taught to allow them to begin their reading and writing journey.

Year 1 children will consolidate what they have been learning in reception before moving onto the next stage. This means that they will have a range of phase 2, phase 3 and phase 4 sounds.


Not all of our learning in Acorn Class is through adult-led, focused groups. We also give children the opportunity to learn through play in time called continuous provision (independent learning).

Learning through exploring

Our classroom is set up to enhance children's independent play. This is an important time for our children as it develops so many skills, such as communication, problem-solving and understanding the world. At home, encourage your children to play and to talk to you about what they have done throughout the day.


This half-term, Acorn Class PE will take place every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child wears their full Water Primary PE kit with trainers and navy leggings or joggers so that we have the flexibility to train inside or out, depending on the weather. 

Forest School

This half-term, Acorn Class will not be attending Forest School.

Snack Time

In Acorn, we operate a snack system. If you would like your child to have a snack, please pay for it on Parent Pay at the beginning of the half-term, which will cover your child’s snacks for the full half-term.

Keeping in Touch

Our door is always open and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to us before or after school. We always welcome any news from home so please share any exciting activities which you have done with your children.

Please see our twitter pages;






Water Primary School

Burnley Road East, Rossendale

Lancashire, BB4 9PX

01706 216414