Hazel Class - Year 1 & 2
Welcome to Hazel Class
PE DAYS Spring 1- Tuesday and Thursday
Class Teacher: Miss Ashworth
Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Collins
We also have Mrs Sanderson, Miss Sykes and Mr Riley in our class some afternoons this half-term.
We hope that you have had a lovely Christmas break, and we are all looking forward to start the next half-term in Hazel Class.
In Spring 1, English will be based around the theme of Explorers, and will consist of two English units: Stories by the same author and Non-chronological reports. Our focus text will be Man on the Moon By Simon Bartram.
Guided Reading
Hazel Class follows a whole-class approach for guided reading. We will continue reading Animal Explorers: Lola the Plant Hunter By Sharon Rentta.
The children will develop skills by answering questions following our VIPER skills which are:
VIPERS stands for
Sequence or Summarise
In Maths, year 1 will focus on numbers to 20, addition and subtraction within 20, before moving onto numbers to 50. Year 2 will continue our topic on properties of shape, before moving onto money.
Multiplication is a pivotal part of Maths education and underpins so many aspects of the curriculum through school. It would be so beneficial if at home, children could be practising times tables. The primary focus should be on 2s, 5s and 10s for Year 1 and 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s for Year 2. TT Rockstars is a great way for children to practice their times tables. The children will have a TT Rockstars login in the front of their reading record.
Your child will now also be able to access NumBots. NumBots is an online learning platform that we’re using to support your child’s understanding of number bonds and to help their addition and subtraction skills. These are the essential building blocks for higher-level maths concepts, so we are excited by the impact that NumBots will have on your child’s learning. The TTRockstars login code, which is in the front of your child’s reading record book will also give you access to Numbots.
In Science, our topic this term is Living Things and Their Habitats. We will investigate habitats and food chains.
This half-term in history we will be exploring Monarchs. We will be comparing the lives and reigns of Queen Elizabeth 1 and Queen Victoria, two fascinating monarchs.
Get caught up in a book...
In Hazel Class, we understand the importance of reading and expect children to read for at least 10/15 minutes each night. It is important that we instil the skill of sustained reading into our children rather than just reading a few pages a night. This will encourage a love for reading as well as helping with fluency and expression. Record books will be checked by Mrs Collins, and we will also encourage a love of reading through choosing books from our reading corner.
Our P.E. lessons this half-term will be on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Please could you ensure that children come to school wearing the correct P.E. kits on the day of their session.
Weekly spellings will be on Edshed every Friday. Your child has their own Edshed login attached to the inside of their reading record book. We encourage you to look at these spellings at home with your child. However, we will not complete a test during school. Instead, we will assess the children through spelling games and activities on the spellings for that week throughout the week. If you would like a paper copy of the weekly spellings, then please let me know, and I can sort this for you.
Forest School
This half-term we will NOT be attending forest school.
If you would like your child to have a snack, please pay for this on parent pay at the beginning of the term. Snack will be £1 per week.
If you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open.
Don't forget to check our school twitter @Waterprimary for updates.
Thank you for the support.
Miss Ashworth